Honey Rush
- 2,5 - 3 hours (+ discussion)
- 60+ participants
Hard to imagine a better symbol of a well-functioning organization than a hive. Inspired by bees, we decided to create a team-building game that will take participants inside the hive and into the flower meadows. Players are divided into two types of teams – meadows and swarms – which depend on each other and together create a sustainable ecosystem. In order to prepare for winter, they have to organize their work, share tasks and work efficiently.
The game is designed for large and very large teams (60-200 people). It’s be perfect for teambuilding workshops, training and integration meetings, kick-offs, etc. – when one wants to effectively integrate a group, evoke positive emotions or provoke people to think. Honey Rush makes a great impression on the participants, it is polished to the last detail – from the finesse of the plot, to well functioning mechanics (so-called playability), and superbly designed materials. The gameplay is exciting, dynamic and engaging, and brings many useful insights.
The game’s storyline gives many points of reference to the functioning of the organization, the company, operating in changing conditions, sustainability, growth, ecology or CSR. Honey Rush’s gameplay is a great basis for discussions about business strategy, management styles or readiness for change.
- Integration meetings for large groups
- Projects' kick offs
- Events to communicate strategy change
- Reinforcement of communication and cooperation trainings
Benefits for the organization:
- Effective integration
- Adaptation to change and chaos
- Improving atmosphere in a team
- Increased competence in communication and cooperation
- Experience of operating under change
Recommended for those who:
- You have grown from a medium-sized organization to a large company
- You have established a new strategy that, while aiming to bring better results, requires changing habits and processes,
- You've got your momentum, you're getting bigger and growing.

- A great adventure and experience that can be translated into daily work.
- Honey Rush is a very engaging form of team building, a great way to integrate.
- Play time is the gateway to the greatest neuroplastic activity, and thus to lasting, tangible changes. Having fun is also a very enjoyable time and a friendly atmosphere that fosters effective team building.

Znam opowieści o imprezach firmowych z najgrubszej rury. O zapraszaniu gwiazd estrady, wynajmowaniu drogich klubów, luksusowych hotelach, zagranicznych wycieczkach. Paru znajomych pracujących w różnych dużych korporacjach – uraczyło mnie historiami, które stanowczo powinny zostać w Las Vegas. Wiele lat temu, będąc barmanem w pewnym warszawskim klubie, sam przerobiłem kilka „imprez
5 grudnia w pięknej przestrzeni Warszawskiego Towarzystwa Wioślarskiego rozegraliśmy z zaproszonymi gośćmi, przedstawicielami działów HR, managerami i liderami po raz pierwszy naszą nową grę – Honey Rush. Honey Rush w mikroskali i niezwykłym przyspieszeniu symuluje wspólny rozwój zespołu w chaotycznych warunkach. Wśród obecnych nie zabrakło również merytorycznego partnera gry –