- 1,5 hours (+ discussion)
- 6 + participants
Webmaster is a seemingly simple exercise that requires a lot of commitment from the whole team.
Participants are challenged to build a web from available colorful ropes of different lengths, with a black and white diagram as a hint. There is only one possible solution and only one possible approach to the task in the execution phase. Once the construction has been arranged according to the pattern, the team has to develop and test a strategy that will enable it to be arranged again and again from scratch, in just the 2-minute task phase.
The individual elements cannot be labelled or put away in any way, and a detailed plan is needed to distinguish between the different parts.
- Team ability to find logical solutions to complex problems,
- Efficient time use,
- Identification and testing various supervision/control and leadership models,
- Integration of different cultures / teams for smooth functioning of the entire organization,
- Problem solving,
- Remote collaboration.
Benefits for the organization:
- Realizing that we all play to one goal and have an impact on the achievement of the organization's goals
- Developing and improving supervisory and leadership skills and time and resource planning
- Integration.
Otagowanobudowanie kultury organizacyjnejdziałanie pod presją czasudziałanie w chaosiegra na własnośćintegracjakomunikacjaodpowiedzialność za celOferta - Efektywność i zaangażowaniepo-angielskuposzukiwanie rozwiązańsilosowośćsłabe planowaniesłaby przepływ informacjispadek zaangażowaniastrategiateambuildingwspółpracawspółpraca w zespołach rozproszonychzaangażowanie i motywacjazarządzanie projektem