The Collectors​

The Collectors is a dynamic activity with great potential for integration. If properly discussed and analysed, it will give a valuable reflection on customer contact management in sales teams, teaching effective communication and cooperation.

Who is a collector? He collects valuable, unique objects: antiques, works of art, and documents. Antiques of applied art are becoming more and more popular: everyday objects, ceramics, and furniture. Our collector, or rather a group of collectors, works on behalf of a large auction house. Their task is to scour antique stores, and flea markets in Europe and worldwide – in a word, wherever valuable objects can be purchased cheaply. This time they ended up at an airport in one of the European capitals, where a sale of suitcases lost by travelers is taking place. They were tipped off by a friendly airport employee that this time, in addition to worthless vacation luggage, some suitcases would contain antique jewelry, a few interesting works of art, and memorabilia related to Hollywood stars – all of which are in demand. Several auction houses’ envoys are interested in airport sales and are ready to compete with each other. Looks like an exciting day ahead!

What’s more, participants will visit more than just one destination, and an airport employee will point out before each sale which suitcase colors are worth looking at for a chance to bid on valuable content. It’s up to the players to choose which ones they will invest their boss’s money in. He won’t be thrilled when he finds out that they were spent on someone’s dirty underwear. The team of collectors who get the most valuable items wins.

Online we use: Asobi, Zoom

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Recommended for teams who:

We decided to use The Collectors game during a quarterly company meeting. The game was great for online integration – the gameplay was interesting, dynamic, surprising, and involved all team members. In a few dozen minutes we worked together to co-create strategies and practiced decision-making in changing and uncertain conditions. Collectors reminded us that it’s important to have fun with what you do and not to give up until the last battle – both in the game and while executing the company’s strategy.

Agnieszka Zawadka, CMO,

A great form of “behavioral experience”, integration. Very engaging for the participants as opposed to traditional workshop forms.

Something that seemed easy at first glance, turned out to be quite a logistical challenge.

I am very pleased with the game. It helped me get more in tune with my team and was a great start to my work day. I recommend it!