Quiz Challenge
Quiz Challenge is a series of 4 weekly quizzes played online. The quiz is played by streaming and using a system to interact with large groups. This allows us to engage all participants simultaneously.
The quiz is hosted by a trainer with experience in working with large audiences, which ensures dynamics and involvement of participants. During the streaming, participants will see a screen with the quiz and results, as well as the lead trainer.
During the quiz, participants answer questions. They do this using their cell phones. What is scored is the correctness of the answer, but also the time in which it was given.
A team form of quiz is also possible.
The theme of the quiz is the company/team or other areas: Guinness records, Poland in numbers, etc.
At the end of each stage and the whole, winners are announced.
Benefits for the organization:
- Team integration,
- Improving knowledge about the organization (or another important topics),
- Great fun